Marketing Strategies: Email or Snail Mail?

The two most common marketing strategies are direct mail and email marketing. The debate is always about which option is a better solution for your business. If you are trying to increase your marketing efforts, you will come across the bridge to decide which solution will work better for you? The answer really depends on your business and the industry it is in.

Whenever you make a decision you should always look at data and statistics. It’s available out there but you have to do some digging that’s all.

I want to provide the background of direct mail and email marketing as well as the pros and cons of these two marketing strategies. But first, let’s go into depth of what direct mail and email marketing is.

  • Email Marketing – business practice of sending an email to people on a list in the hopes of selling them a product or service
  • Direct Mail Marketing – communications sent to potential customers selling a product or service via postal mail




Direct mail has been proven to have the highest response rate. However, email marketing has the highest Return on Investment (ROI).

  • Response Rate for Direct Mail is 3.4%, more than 30 times the 0.12% response rate for email. (Direct Marketing Association’s Annual Response Rate Report).
  • ROI for Email is 28.5% compared to 7% for direct mail (DMA).

9.11 Direct Mail vs Email

Image Source:


Email Marketing


  • Economical: cheap, no mailing costs
  • Quick & Fast: within seconds
  • Good Testing Medium: able to test a small group of recipients and obtain results instantaneously
  • Accessible: able to download attachments


  • Poor Environment: Spam Mail
  • Short Message Attention Span: people only want facts, simple and straightforward. People don’t want to read emails, they scan emails.
  • Creativity Limited: pixels on screen
  • Great Email Lists are hard to find. You are much better growing your email marketing list organically, which takes time. Get people to opt-in to your mailing list via your website or social media pages.


Direct Mail Marketing


  • Good Environment: better response rate than junk email
  • Able to tell Whole Story: longer, captivating messages
  • Emotion Use: you can inspire, frighten, cajole, convince, make cogent arguments, and motivate
  • Tangible: Provide more marketing pieces


  • Expensive: design, printing, postage, and direct mail costs
  • Longer Time: Takes up to 10 days for the recipient to receive the mail. People move and the mail system takes time to catch up
  • Not for Testing: High cost of mail means one shot get it right.

The biggest disadvantage for direct mail marketing is its cost.

Cost between marketing strategies

Is Email Marketing Or Direct Mail Right For You?

Answering some of these questions will help you decide whether direct mail or email marketing is right for you.

  •    Is your communication time-sensitive?
  •    Do you have a tight or big budget?
  •    How much explanation is required?
  •    Do you have a good list for one or either?


Email marketing may be more effective than direct mail for certain businesses than others. Same can be said for vice-versa. But these are not the only type of channels to reach to your target market. Optimize your reach. Do not limit yourself with just direct marketing, expand your marketing efforts with digital platforms as well to reach a spectrum of your target market.

Internet Fact


MY QUESTION: What is your take on these two strategies?







Fusiona, Jennn. “Direct Email Marketing Strategy.” Chron.


Doyle-Ingram, Suzanne. Direct mail vs Email Marketing.


Parker Jr., Steve. Direct Mailings vs Email Marketing. The Data Driven Numbers


Cost of Direct Mail vs Email and Catalog Marketing Examined. Mailing Lists Direct Blog.  31 March 2010.Chart


Direct Marketing Association


What is Email Marketing and Why You Should be Doing It. Brian Gardner. 23 April 2012. Online Blog. 8 November 2012.


Cost Comparison: Email Marketing vs. Direct Mail. The Web Shoppe.Net


Klein, Craig. Email Marketing vs. Direct Mail. Sales Nexus. 2 October 2012. Online Blog. 9 November 2012.


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